With the onset of the pandemic, most countries have had—or continue to be under—varying degrees of ‘lockdowns’, ‘self-isolations’ or ‘community quarantines’. People have had to stay home and try to live their lives as well as possible, under unprecedented conditions brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic. What about the solar power industry? How does this new coronavirus affect users and industry players?

Efficiency boosts

You’ve probably seen all the “earth is healing” stories that have appeared everywhere online. True enough, with millions forced to stay home each day, there’s less carbon footprint brought by vehicle use. This goes for land, sea, or air travel. As a result, the skies have been clearer and air quality has been much better, particularly in urban areas.

One great by-product of this – coupled with the summer months and the increased sunlight they bring – is that more sunlight is able to reach solar panels on the ground. This adds up to increased solar power production.

Virtual solar events

There has been a ban on mass gatherings in order to help stave off the spread of the virus. This has also impacted solar industry conferences and showcases, and other events in which solar power system providers participate.

Industry players are not letting the virus beat them, however. Thanks to technology and connectivity, organizers are able to hold such events in virtual spaces. What’s great about this is that the prospective reach of such events now grows by a considerable margin. People have the opportunity to learn more about solar power and get personally involved in the push for renewable energy and sustainability.

Pandemic fallout

Of course, there are some unavoidable consequences of closed borders, travel restrictions, and the sheer risk of going out into a world silenced by the pandemic.
Apart from the resultant drop in terms of demand, suppliers and manufacturers are often unable to deliver solar panels to different locations.  This in turn impacts on the timetables for developing various solar power projects all over the world.

Many governments and private institutions have invested heavily in solar projects. Individual installations are also on hold for now. All these delays affect the momentum of renewable energy in general, and the solar PV industry in particular.

Another unavoidable part of any extended lockdown is the effect on the job market. Due to the downturn and widespread decrease in demand for many products and services, businesses lack sufficient funds to keep employees on. This trend is being experienced and is impacting heavily on the solar power industry as well. In the US alone, there have been around 65,000 jobs lost thanks to the pandemic. It has effectively set back jobs growth in the US solar industry some five years.

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought global life to a practical standstill. Many sectors and industries have been significantly affected by restrictions and shutdowns, and the solar power industry is no exception.

Still, we are seeing some positive effects and opportunities despite all the setbacks, so it’s not completely a loss for the industry. With people starting to look ahead, many are choosing to go with solar power for their homes or buildings. With more testing and relaxation of some restrictions, there is hope that the industry—and everyone as a whole—can and will bounce back.

Where to go next

For the finest and most experienced solar installations contact Renewable Energy Corporation.  We can give you a full assessment of the solar power options for your individual home without even requiring a physical on-site visit. This is done using our latest online proprietary technology.  To find out how easy this is,  simply click here. We ll answer all your questions. The time to prepare for the future is now!



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