Overcoming winter weather can be a challenging issue for many people because of the cold weather and snow it brings. Don’t let that stop you, though, from relying on a solar power system for your home. Solar panels will continue to generate energy from the sun’s rays even during even the harshest winter months.

While clearer skies and longer days are optimal conditions, your system can supply power for your home all year round. Plus, there are ways to ensure that the system won’t have any hiccups despite inclement weather brought by winter.

winter solar panels

Overcoming winter woes with a battery backup

Winter can bring power outages which means that there will be no supply from the grid. Houseowners with solar power can avoid this completely by adding a battery backup system. While the neighbors are in darkness, your lights and utilities will be working as normal! An experienced installation company can offer a variety of solutions for overcoming winter hassles. Even locations with more intense winters and considerable snowfall will be able to find suitable solutions.

Improving quality of life with the latest solar technology

Solar battery technology has improved tremendously, and costs are going down as well. It’s a great idea to outfit your system with battery backup. Investing in this technology enables you to derive the most out of your solar power system. The value in terms of quality of life is inestimable. How lost we feel when our internet goes down due to a power outage. With a well-designed solar system, overcoming winter hassles like these will be a thing of the past.

Surplus solar power and net metering

While we will still need to rely on the commercial grid, it can actually be financially beneficial for us. During the sunny months, a professionally designed solar system will deliver much more energy than we need. That’s where net metering comes in. Net metering is a billing mechanism that credits solar energy system owners for their surplus electricity by automatically adding to back to the grid.

With net metering in place, your surplus energy is “banked” for you by your supplier, and remains available when you need it. This credit surplus allows you to enjoy free electricity during the winter, where you might not get as much power from your own panels. Your installation company will explain exactly how you can take advantage of this.

Overcoming winter sunshine problems by angling the panels

With a professionally designed system, the angles of your solar panels can be tweaked to maximize their sunlight exposure during winter. The reason for this is because of the natural 23.5-degree tilt of the earth’s axis relative to the sun. This causes the sun’s rays to reach the earth at a more slanted angle during winter. The further one moves from the equator the greater the slant. The answer is to compensate for this by changing the tilt of the panels to gather the maximum sunlight. Conversely, during the summer months when the sun is higher overhead the tilt needs to again be adjusted accordingly.

Technology again comes to the rescue

Most PV system designs in the US can use both direct and diffused or scattered sunlight. This way, the slanted sun’s rays are less of an issue than it would be for other solar technologies. This means the systems generate power continually overcoming the challenges of the weaker winter sunlight.

So, if you’re wondering whether your solar power investment will be rewarded by year-long functionality, there’s no need to stress out. Winter is no cause for concern for solar power system owners. You’re not going to be left with useless photovoltaic panels and metal for a quarter of each year.

Make sure to discuss winter conditions with your provider to be fully informed about performance and best practices. Rest assured you can rely on solar PV systems to power your home despite longer nights and colder weather. Even with winter almost here, with solar power, you’re set no matter the season.

For a free, no-obligation survey providing all the answers for your home needs, contact us today. At Renewable Energy Corporation we can install a system to provide you with hassle-free power all year round. Let us show you the way!



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