
The concept of green energy has come into sharp focus in recent times with the rise of concern about global pollution. With traditional fossil fuels producing large quantities of toxic emissions, the move to clean and renewable “green” energy sources has risen dramatically over the past few decades.

The world still depends heavily on the traditional fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. But the balance is changing towards green fuels.

Why the move away from fossil fuels?

Firstly, the supplies of these fuels are non-renewable. As they become scarcer, they become more expensive to produce, continuously forcing energy costs up, with a devastating effect on global economies.

Secondly, the attention of the world has become increasingly focused in recent years on the negative impact fossil fuels are having on the ecosphere. The greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels are causing air pollution on an unprecedented scale. International groups are lobbying constantly about the need to safeguard the environment, and this has led to a search for cleaner energy sources.

The changes in global climate and the carbon footprint

Statistics show that the global climate is slowly changing with annual temperatures higher than in previous years. While it is not absolutely clear what is causing this, there does seem to be a correlation between the increased levels of carbon emissions in the atmosphere causing a hothouse effect that is raising temperatures. Burning fossil fuels is clearly adding to this “carbon footprint” and the search for alternative green energy sources is being given top priority.

Are there viable alternatives to the traditional energy sources?

In the effort to find a solution to the dual problem of scarce fossil fuel deposits and the toxicity they produce, scientists have turned to other sources. With the unlimited, endless energy pouring down from the sun, one of the obvious solutions has been to develop solar energy production to a viable and economic level.

With recent advances in technology, the scalability of solar power has become a reality. Providing economical, clean and renewable green energy at a price that is within the reach of everyone, solar installations have burgeoned over the past decade on an unprecedented scale. With prices and quality of the panels constantly dropping, solar has become a practical reality for every household.

Both in the United States and many other countries across the world, solar green energy has now become the green energy source of choice.

What are the more obvious economic benefits of solar power?

  • An affordable green energy supply with no price increases

    Solar panel installations are highly affordable, providing electricity at an extremely low cost. In addition, once installed, one is no longer dependent on the commercial suppliers with their constant price increases. Solar systems last for many decades, are extremely reliable, virtually maintenance free, and add value to one’s home.

  • Tax rebates and incentives

    The Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) is a huge federal tax bonus available to anyone who installs a solar energy system. The solar tax credit is available for both residential and commercial systems. The legislation currently allows you to deduct 30 percent of the cost a solar energy system from your federal taxes. This applies both to home and commercial systems. There is no cap on the value of this amount. As the 30% rate is guaranteed only until the end of 2019, it is advisable to take advantage of it now as it will in all likelihood start reducing from 2020 unless it is further extended by legislation at the same level.

  • Net metering

    Solar panels only deliver current during the day, which means that one still has to draw one’s power from the commercial grid at night or in very cloudy weather. Fortunately, this does not mean that one has to pay anyone for this electricity! With a well-designed system, the solar panels on your roof will regularly be producing more electricity than you need. Using a system known as Net Metering, the excess electricity which your panels produce is fed straight back into the main grid and your utility company will credit you in full for this electricity, so you are ‘banking’ this amount for future use. When you draw electricity at night and on cloudy days, you are drawing on these saved credits. This means that you are in fact really independent of the grid.

  • Renewable energy is a great creator of jobs worldwide

    According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). among the various technologies based on renewables, the solar photovoltaic (PV) industry supports the most jobs. PV jobs increased almost 9% to reach 3.4 million around the world in 2017, reflecting the year’s record 94 gigawatts of PV installation.

    Source: IRENA

  • The solar industry in the United States

    The U.S. Department of Energy says solar power employs nearly 400,000 people, more than double the amount of people in the coal, gas and oil industries combined.

    Workers in the Solar Industry Source: Statista

  • Benefits for the national economy

    The Solar Foundation states that the solar industry and its workers added $84 billion to the nation’s GDP in 2016. Furthermore, the analysis found that one solar-related job supports 2.03 jobs elsewhere in the U.S. economy. Addditionally every $1 spent on solar generates an another $1.47 in spending economy-wide.

  • Saving companies expense in energy costs

    Once solar panels are installed, the green energy source provided is far cheaper than the traditional fossil fuel energy sources. The reduced overhead from decreasing utility bills naturally means an increase the bottom line profit for companies.  This allows more money to be allocated to better uses.

  • Improving public health

    The air and water pollution emitted by fossil fuels is the cause of many health issues worldwide. Clean green energy production has none of these problems. Solar and other clean green energy sources generate electricity with no associated air pollution emissions.

  • Energy supplies in remote areas

    In areas remote from commercial supplies, such as in undeveloped countries, renewable solar energy is now easily available.

The benefits of green energy for you

Green energy is already providing a safe and efficient power supply to ever increasing regions across the world. It is stabilizing the eco-system, while managing to reduce hot-house gases in the atmosphere. Hopefully this will bring global climate back into line with the levels of earlier centuries. This will provide a healthier and more stable environment for the world.

With continued improvement of the components used to produce free solar energy, the future looks extremely bright.

Now is the time to change

With all these benefits, the time to consider a change is now. It is simple, free and easy to get a quote on installing a solar system to your home. We are here to answer all your questions. GET A FREE QUOTE NOW and let us show you how much solar will save you on your utility bills.