
As more people become environmentally conscious, they seek to reduce their carbon footprint. As a result, clean, renewable, Solar power has emerged as a popular and viable option. In the first place, harnessing the sun’s free energy to generate electricity lowers your energy bills. Secondly, it also contributes to a greener planet. However, there are a wide range of solar power systems available on the market. So, choosing the right one for your home can be a daunting task. In this article we try to provide a practical guide to help you make an informed decision.

Choosing an installation matching your energy requirements

choosing solar energy

How to go about choosing the perfect solar system for your home energy needs

Before investing in a solar power system, it’s essential to understand your household’s energy requirements. Firstly, analyze your past utility bills to determine your average monthly energy consumption. Always take into account the number of occupants, the size of your home, and the energy efficiency of your appliances. This information will help you calculate the appropriate solar system size to meet your needs.

Understanding Your Solar Potential

Generally, the location and the orientation of your roof will be crucial factors in determining your solar potential. Remember that the amount of sunlight your home receives will influence the efficiency of your solar panels. The angle and direction of your roof plays an important role. Keep in mind that shading from trees or neighboring structures can impact your solar panel performance. Check with the installation company whether your home meets the required criteria.

Choosing the right type of solar panel

There are basically three main types of solar panels: monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin-film. For the most part, each has its advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Monocrystalline panels are the most efficient and expensive option. Boasting a higher energy output per square foot, they are ideal for homes with limited roof space.
  2. On the other hand, polycrystalline panels are more affordable than monocrystalline. However, they do have slightly lower efficiency. They may be a better option if you have ample roof space to accommodate a larger system.
  3. Thin-film panels are the least expensive but they are also the least efficient option. Even so, they do offer greater flexibility in terms of installation. For example, these panels could be suitable for homes with unconventional roof shapes or surfaces.

To summarize: consider your budget, available roof space, and energy needs when choosing the right panel type for your home.

Choosing a suitable inverter

An inverter is another crucial component of a solar power system. Its role is to convert the direct current (DC) produced by the solar panels into alternating current (AC). Your home appliances all require AC current to run,

The two main types of inverters are string inverters and microinverters.

  1. String inverters are more cost-effective and suitable for homes with minimal shading issues. However, if one of the panels is in shade, it can affect the entire system’s performance.
  2. Microinverters are more expensive but offer better efficiency. With these, each panel operates independently. Consequently, they are ideal for homes with potential shading or different panel orientations.

Evaluate installation and maintenance costs

Generally, installation costs depend on the complexity of your system, your location, and any necessary permits or inspections. Hence, be sure to obtain quotes from a reputable company offering competitive pricing. Additionally, inquire about the warranty period and maintenance services available. This will ensure your solar power system remains in optimal condition.

Investigate available financial incentives

Various federal, state, and local incentives can help offset the initial cost of a solar power system. The Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) is one example. It allows homeowners to claim a percentage of their solar installation costs as a tax credit. Make sure to take advantage of the incentives available in your area.

So how do I choose the exact system I ideally need?

In conclusion, selecting the right solar power system for your home requires careful consideration. The advice of experts is therefore essential before making the decision to go ahead.

As the primary solar installers in Maryland and surrounding states, let us guide you. Contact us at Renewable Energy Corporation and we will assist you to make the choice most suitable for your home, budget and family needs.

The US Utility Sector is experiencing massive power demands due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Disruptions could occur at any time.

With a properly installed Solar power supply:

  • Your electricity feed will remain secure
  • If the power goes down, you won’t be left in the dark
  • All essential appliances will continue to work
  • Wi-fi and internet connections will remain operational
  • You will be unaffected by the inevitable increases in utility costs
  • Remain safe and secure while continuing to work from home

Play a role in benefiting the environment by switching to economical, clean and renewable Solar power for your home or business. Get a no-obligation free estimate today!
Contact Renewable Energy Corporation and let us answer all your questions. We can even supply estimates remotely online.

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