
One of our favorite forum discussions is at AltEnergyShift, where a thread started in Dec. 2011 is trying to compile “366 Ways to Make the Shift to Living Green.”

Living a more sustainable lifestyle doesn’t have to be difficult. Small changes are easy to make and can add up to a significant positive impact. The list at AltEnergyShift includes dozens of simple changes you can make to be more eco-friendly.

We thought we’d elaborate on a few of our favorites:

#4 Install CFLs or LEDs

In Maryland, Pepco offers ENERGY STAR qualified CFLs to Maryland residents at a discount purchase price. Single CFL bulbs are discounted $1.50 and a multi-pack ofSolar bulbs is discounted $3. Customers of Potomac Edison in Maryland can also save up to $1.50 per bulb or $6 per multi-pack off.

Rebates for CFL lighting fixtures ($10 rebate from Potomac Edison) and ENERGY STAR qualified LED lighting fixtures ($30 rebate from Potomac Edison) are also available. Check with your utility company to learn more.

#9 Insulate, Insulate, Insulate

Adding insulation can quickly help reduce your utility bills. The Department of Energy has a great resource to help you learn what areas of your home to insulate.

#22 Buy at the Farmers Market

Looking for recipe ideas featuring fresh, locally grown vegetables? The National Farmer’s Market Association is a cheap NFL jerseys great place to start. Here’s a list of farmers markets in Maryland, and one for Virginia, too.

#33 Take the Stairs in an Apartment — Get Exercise and Save Electricity

The American Heart Association recommends 150 minutes per week of moderate exercise. That’s just 30 minutes a day during the workweek. Climbing the stairs to your 3rd floor loft is an easy way to get your heart pumping and shed pounds and since you’re not taking the elevator, you’re using less electricity.

#58 Collect Rainwater

Want to build your own Review rain barrel? The Maryland Department of Natural Resources offers this easy step-by-step guide.

Of course, one idea that’s missing (!) is install solar panels! Installing solar panels reduces your consumption of electricity generated from burning coal or natural gas. And solar energy is 100% renewable.

Feeling ambitious? You wholesale nba jerseys could even install a solar-powered attic vent or a solar water heater. Here in Maryland, solar water heaters are gaining in popularity almost as fast as solar panels. The Erstes low cost of solar power has made it Virtual easier than ever to power your home with renewable energy.

How Are YOU Shifting to Living Green?

When we last checked, the “366 Ways” list at AltEnergyShift was stuck at 73 ideas. We want YOUR ideas! What are you doing to make the shift to living green?

Share wholesale jerseys your ideas in the wholesale NFL jerseys comment below or join AltEnergyShift and add your tips there. Help spread the word by sharing this post with your eco-minded friends.